Master Artist: Picasso Inspired this because he uses colors that are bright sometimes.
Current Artist: fr0gpie (instagram)
inspired because of rough, messy, loose lines.
As of late, I have been struggling immensely with creating a good digital composition for my pieces, so this was a really big win for me because it felt pretty and like it all fit well together in an aesthetic way.
The process for this is one of the cleanest ones I have had in a long time. I began with a sketch, building off of a pose that I liked, and transferred it digital. I then lined the sketch, and then painted it, before changing all of the colors in an editor because I didn't like them. Then I played around with background ideas until I got this.
If I could change anything, it would be the background. Overall, I need a lot of work on fresh, creative background that doesn't look out of place.